Remote and in-school learning during COVID-19

Sep 1, 2020

Make sure your school is prepared for a changing learning environment

Schools like yours, around the world are responding to COVID-19, and the need for services and software to support remote learning urgent. Your school may need to update and upgrade how it works to a new digital forward way. This could include upgrading your wireless internet, servers and storage, information management system and online learning platform.

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Online Learning Platforms

Remote learning and online education environments are used by schools to communicate and collaborate with staff and students. Popular platforms like Microsoft Office 365 for Education and Google Apps Suite for Education are used to communicate, monitor progress, organise and plan lessons. Using the many available tools with each platform schools can also create content, share documents, record lessons and even use the live-video conferencing features to broadcast lessons.

“Collaborative learning or peer to peer interaction are identified as leading to improved pupil outcomes”

As well as allowing teachers to send out homework, assessments and online activities, they also provide a means to track pupil progress and can be linked to your MIS database so all your data is current and accessed easily. We can setup and integrate platforms such as Office 365 and Google Apps for Education within a short space of time and provide staff training.

High Performance Servers for School

With the increased reliance on digital and online resources, schools should ensure their servers and storage can manage the growing demands on the network and infrastructure. With a combination of high quality, resilient hardware and cloud based technology, schools can support and anticipate upscaling to meet the changing learning environment during COVID19. Specialist designed for education servers for schools are recommended for their power, flexibility and resilience.

Reliable Internet for Schools

The backbone of your schools infrastructure – a fast, reliable and secure internet and wireless solution in schools, supports the use of digital and online technology and ensures smooth running of your schools admin and organisation. A good internet connection, with site-wide coverage allows both students and staff to maximise the use of ICT for a positive and uninterrupted experience. Quality wireless for your school will support multiple areas including online lessons, management of data, school apps and also BYOD.

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We’re happy to answer your questions, provide a quote or help you with any ICT related queries. Simply fill the contact us form opposite and our friendly staff will be in touch.